“He did kind of make us look like dumbasses, saying we sent him a text offer. I’m sure we texted him, but we also called him. Someone also met him in a coffee shop. We made genuine efforts. In 2019, [he’s had] quite some time away from the ring, we gotta focus on who really wants to be on board with us versus going out and finding someone who perhaps doesn’t want to be part of this. I didn’t really communicate with him further after that. I expected to see him at Starrcast. He gave this great live show where he was great with his answers. I’m sure we’ll run into each other at some point.”
Credit: Starrcast – CM Punk at Starrcast 3 during a Live interview for FITE TV
“If he ever wanted to be part of this and had the passion to come back to wrestling, that door is always open. No ego, no situation would ever prevent us from having him come in because the fans have never given up on Punk. Ever.”